Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Top 10 Fibre Rich Foods

When people talk about fibre, the first thing that come to their minds are cereals. But beside bran cereals, there are a lot of foods that are pretty rich in fibre. Let’s cite the top 10.
     1.       Whole grain  

Any food made from rice, oats, corn, and the like are all grain products such as bread and pasta. But there are are two types of grains – the whole grains and refined grains. Whole grains contain most of the original structure of the raw source from where it is derived. They include the germ, endosperm, and the bran. When these grains are processed and refined, some of the important compounds are lost including iron, vitamin B-6, and the dietary fibre.  
2.       Popcorn
Watching movies? Go with the traditional plain popcorn! This healthy snack is very rich in fibre and is low in fat – perfect for dieters. A 4-cup of serving of popcorn has 7 grams of dietary fibre which is 25% of the daily recommended value. Most people think of popcorn as the buttery or cheesy, salty treat. But take away the sodium content and high-fat ingredients; popcorn is among the healthiest snacks you can eat! Try air popping the corn instead. 
3.       Beans
Beans are rich in carbohydrates, protein, and low in fat which makes it a perfect diet choice for athletes and runners. Furthermore, beans are hard to digest because it’s rich in fibre. Half a cup of black beans for instance already contains 9.7 grams of dietary fibre while peanuts have 3.25 grams. This makes you feel full for a longer period of time.
4.       Berries
Berries from the seed to the skin are great, delicious sources of fibre. One cup of blackberries contains whopping 8 grams of fibre while blueberries have 3.5. 
5.       Baked potato (with skin)
Potatoes are nutrient-rich crops containing high amount of vitamins and minerals. When served with its skin, it becomes super rich in fibre too. A baked potato with its skin contains more fibre than two slices of wholemeal bread. 
6.       Brown rice
In many countries particularly in Asia, eating means ‘eating rice’. There is a wide variety of rice and they are available in most time of the year. The brown rice is the rice with the hull or the outermost layer removed. But the milling and polishing which converts brown rice to white rice destroys many of its essential compounds, including fibre. One cup of brown rice contains 3.5 grams of fibre.
7.       Bran cereal
Eating bran cereals for breakfast is a good way to start your diet. When shopping for cereal products, choose the one which will give you 5 grams of fibre per serving. 
8.       Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are basically the best sources of fibre and incorporating them in your daily diet can give you most of your body’s daily requirement of this essential nutrient. Don’t overcook your vegetable dish as doing so can lessen the amount of its fibre. As much as possible, eat raw fruits and vegetables to maximise the health benefits you can get. 
9.       Oatmeal
Studies revealed that eating high-fibre diet helps lower down the cholesterol level in the body. Oatmeal is a healthy diet option if you have problems controlling your cholesterol levels. This cereal-based food has also been linked to a healthy heart. Oatmeal also contains soluble fibre which slows down digestion, making you feel fuller for a longer time. 
10.   Nuts
If you’re going nuts about your health, try incorporating nuts in your daily diet. Nuts that have higher amount of fibre are walnuts, almonds, cashews, pecans, Brazil nuts, and Macadamia nuts. They also contain lots of vitamins and minerals for an improved health.
Fibre is essential in keeping your weight under control. This substance is known to boost digestion and metabolism that’s why many dieters are advised to increase their intake of fibre. Fibre is also linked to lower cholesterol and reduced risk of colon cancer. So make sure you get the most of fibre every day!

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