Tuesday, 5 February 2013

How To Sleep Like A Baby

Did you know that 65% of the population will have trouble falling asleep tonight? If you are in this percentage, you may suffer tomorrow by not being able to focus.

It is said that the average person needs at least 8 hours of sleep a night to be at their peak. This is 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Tossing and turning do not count as sleep, so if you suffer from this, read on to find out how you can get the sleep you deserve and dream of, waking up feeling well rested. It really is possible to sleep like a baby at any age, just follow a few simple tips and tricks that have worked for many.

1. Develop a Pattern
The first step to ensure that you will sleep like a baby is developing a sleeping pattern. This means that you will need to go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning. This means even on weekends. Many people bank on the weekends when they can sleep in to make up for the lost sleep they have missed out on over the course of the week, but this will only mess up your sleeping patterns. Pick a bed time, as well as a wake up time and stick with it.

2. Exercise
We all know that exercise will help us lead a healthy life. But it can also make our sleep better. When we sleep, our body is recovering any joints and muscles that it has used that day. Be sure to exercise in the morning or afternoon. Exercise done in the evening hours may keep you awake even longer than before. Aim for 20 to 30 minutes a day of exercise.

3. Reserve the Bed For Sleep Only
Your bed should only be used for sleep. Never read in bed, do work, watch TV in bed, work on your laptop, or anything else. If you are using your bed for other activities, your body may have a hard time shutting itself down to go to sleep right away.

4. Sleep In a Cool Room
Optimal room temperature in a bedroom is between 60 to 68 degrees. Many keep their bedrooms too warm, causing restless sleep. A cooler room will mimic your natural temperature drop in your body, so it is recommended to lower the thermostat.

5. Sleep in Complete Darkness
Light will interfere with your internal clock. Even the smallest amount can mess with it, such as your alarm clock. It is best to sleep in a room that has no light source on. Close all blinds, cover up your alarm clock, and shut the door to avoid any lights that may interfere with your sleep.

6. Avoid Sugary Snacks Before Bed
Eating sugar will raise your blood sugars, so it is best to avoid these before bed time. A higher blood sugar can delay your sleep.

7. Wear Socks to Bed
Wearing socks to bed can help you sleep better. Wearing socks may reduce the number of times that you wake up in the middle of the night. Wearing socks will allow your feet to be warmer since they are often the coldest part of your body during rest.

8. Take a Hot Shower Before Bedtime
Taking a hot shower right before rest will signal to your body that it is rest time. Your body’s temperature will fall, aiding sleep.

9. Cut Down on the Noise
If you have a noisy bedroom, chances are you are not sleeping as good as you could. Keep the noise turned down. If noise is needed to fall asleep, use soft, gentle music.

10. Do Some Gentle Stretches
Before getting into bed for the night, do a few gentle stretches. This will help you fall asleep quickly and stay asleep.

11. Check Your Mattress
Check your mattress to make sure that it is the right one for you. If the mattress is too hard or too soft, you will not get the best sleep. Your mattress should give you the right support, and when you lay on it, it should take your body weight easily as well as the shape of your body. If it does not, you may need to invest in a new mattress.

12. Say No To Alcohol
Avoid any alcohol before bedtime. Stay away from any alcoholic beverage a few hours before bedtime. Alcohol will interfere with your sleep quality, waking you up in the middle of the night.

13. If You Smoke, Stop
Smokers often have night withdrawal, making it harder for them to get to sleep. The nicotine also disrupts your sleep.

14. Do Not Nap During the Day
Napping during the day will disrupt your sleep at night. It can make it very hard to fall asleep, or even create insomnia.

15. Unwind Before Bedtime
Do not take your troubles to bed with you. Instead focus on leaving them somewhere so you do not stew over them in the night. You could have a “trouble tree” assigned where before bed you can tell the tree your troubles and then forget about them until the next day.

16. Lay Off on the Caffeine
Just as alcohol interferes with your sleep, caffeine does as well. Steer clear of any drinks with caffeine at least 3 hours before bedtime.

17. Avoid Large Meals at Night
Avoid any large meal at night. Instead make lunch your largest meal of the day. Large meals will interfere with sleep due to indigestion.

18. Consider Separate Beds
If you have a sleeping partner, you may not be sleeping as well as you could. You may wake up due to them snoring or moving around in the bed. If snoring keeps you awake, separate rooms may be the route to go but if movement is the issue, separate beds will help maintain sleep quality.

19. Drink Something to Induce Sleep
Some beverages are known to make one sleepy. Try sipping on a cup of warmed milk before bed, or a mug of hot herbal tea. Stay away from the caffeinated teas, as this may keep you awake even longer.

20. Clean Your Bedroom
A clean bedroom is much easier to fall asleep in than an untidy one. If your room is cluttered, it can affect your sleep.

Getting the sleep your body craves and needs is not hard. We often wonder why babies sleep so well. They are not surrounded by the daily stresses that we have, nor do they indulge in foods and beverages that are not good for them. We often keep their rooms noise and light free and they often have their feet covered.

Think like a baby and you shall sleep like a baby all night long.

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