Friday, 30 November 2012

100 Tips for Working Mum

1. Don’t try to be perfect — none of us are. Give yourself grace.
2. Be a MOM first, everything else comes second to that.
3. Lower expectations — Do not used it to see this as a negative, but sooner or later you will completely understand how important this is!
4. Ask for help — don’t be afraid or ashamed! We ALL need help!
5. Take time for yourself — The guilt train may sneaks up on you when you do this, but it is SO important.
6. Keep things in perspective — family comes first, everything else will work itself out
7. Share your struggles — having a hard time managing it all? Maybe telling someone else will make it feel like you aren’t alone. So many people keep the “ I Fine " mask on… please take it off and be transparent.
8. Let go of stress…. God is in control
9. Let go of the guilt …. Are you following God’s will for your life? That’s all that matters.
10. You DON”T have to do it all, let go of this idea and the pressure. None of us “do it all”
11. Take a mommy timeout… sometimes we all need time alone. It’s okay.
12. Treat yourself once a week! (Manicure? Coffee shop? Movie night?) 
13. Don’t compare your life to others… They don’t have a perfect life and “do it all” either. You may tend to get caught here. Don’t get caught in the comparison trap.
14. Give yourself grace — please don’t be your own toughest critic. You are doing a great job!
15. Just say “NO” — Do you over-commit? Learn to gracefully say “NO”.
16. Get a hobby — working moms need a creative outlet.
17. Be content, count your blessings, be thankful…
18. Pray, pray, pray….
19. Take your vacation days.  You need to take time to be with your family! Work will wait.
20. Remember “I can do all things through God who gives me strength”
21. In this blur of life, remember to cherish the little things… after all, our life is “only a breath”
22. Go on family vacations (even weekend getaways) and make memories
23. Take lots of photos to remember these crazy days … one day, hurried mama, your home will be quiet and empty. Treasure these chaotic, crazy, happy days!


24. SLEEP — It’s very important to take care of yourself and sleep! You will be productive after a full night’s sleep.
25. Eat breakfast — it truly is the most important meal of the day. Pushed for time? Try fruit and some protein bars!
26. Rest…. easier said than done, but do find the time.
27. Exercise (when you can, but give yourself grace. The important thing is to take care of yourself)


28. When you have a task to do, keep moving! Any progress is still progress!
29. Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize… because you can’t do everything. Choose the most important things to do first.
30. Don’t waste time — procrastination will not help you accomplish anything. Just jump in and get it done!
31. Don’t think about the whole overwhelming “to do” list. Just pick one thing and focus there.
32. Keep a list of weekly goals
33. Keep a daily list of the “top 3” most important things to do
34. Delegate! Make peace with your inner drill sergeant.
35. Celebrate your progess and milestones!

Organization at Home

36. Be very organized — Do not underestimate how important this is! Organization is a beautiful thing.
37. Hire a housekeeper if possible — Truth be told? It may turn out to be the best idea.
38. Get your kids involved in chores — helps you, family time, teaches them, it doesn’t have to be perfect. 
39. Keep a daily chore list for yourself too!
40. Split jobs with your hubby — many men are happy to help. Just be thankful and don’t expect “perfection”.
41. If you can’t get it all done, just clean up the kitchen and bathroom.
42. Simplify — less “stuff” makes it easier to clean, stay organized, etc.
43. Teach your kids to pick up their own toys.
44. Don’t sit anything in the sink. Just move it directly to the dishwasher. You will thank yourself later.
45. Keep everything in the right place. You won’t have to run around like a crazy woman looking for things. Organized = calm.
46. Set up an entry area for backpacks, shoes, keys, etc.
47. Get rid of junk… If you have things you don’t use, they are just taking up space and keeping you from finding the things you really need. Don’t feel guilty, just toss it. Ask yourself if you love this object enough to pack and move it. If it’s a NO, it’ gotta GO!


48. Aim to do one load laundry per day (evening)
49. When you do laundry, set out outfits for a week. This saves time in the morning!
50. Buy one of those handy laundry sorters –  This makes doing laundry so quick and easy!

Meals and Groceries

51. Always make a weekly meal plan — Start doing this, and you'll kicking yourself for not doing it sooner!
52. Try to grocery shop on your lunch break, if possible.
53. Slow cooker meals are your best friend. Really. You will write them love notes.
54. Quick, easy dinners are the best for busy moms. Please save the gourmet fare for holidays when you have more time.
55. Freezer cooking — This will save lots of time in the evenings.
56. Family dinners are SO important — please take time to eat with your family each evening.
57. Grocery shop with a list — this saves on expenses, allows you to shop less often, and makes shopping much quicker.
58. Make double meals and freeze the extras — chili, soup, meatloaf, bread, etc. all freeze very well.
59. Have groceries delivered — many staples can be ordered online and shipped for free to your home. 
60. Make a monthly meal rotation of your family’s favorite meals
61. Keep track of staples you are out of .
62. Eat healthy — less sickness!

Time and Routines

63. Pick out clothes the night before — the less you do in the morning, the better!
64. Train your children to do their homework right after school. It is very important not to procrastinate — raise good workers!
65. Pack lunches night before.
66. Keep a family “master calendar” and personal calendars for each individual if needed.
67. Embrace routines. Even though routines may seem boring, they require less thought and effort, which allows you to concentrate on more important things.
68. Early to bed, early to rise STILL makes a person wise. Keeping everyone on this schedule, even on weekends, is a great help.
69. Say no to lots of social events. Treasure your family time.
70. Shower in the evening and give your children baths in the evening. This speeds up the morning routine.
71. Protect your weekends! This is family time… time to rest, be silly, play, relax, and is important. Guard it!
72. REST on Sundays.
73. On Sunday night, prepare for the week (make weekly plan and lay out clothes, pack lunches, etc.)
74. Set clocks 5 minutes fast! (This little trick gets people moving in the morning!)
75. Plan everything…
76 … but be ready for everything to change. Sometimes you have to just go with the flow.
77. Try to be 10 minutes early for every appointment. Most of the time, you will actually be on time, and this is a great habit for children to learn.


78. Clip coupons at night, once a week. Most coupons come in the Sunday newspaper.
79. Set up online bill pay for as many bills as possible. This will automated tasks that may incur charges if missed or forgotten.
80. Clip coupons with your kids — they love to clip!
81. Shop online — this makes it easy to compare prices without running to many different stores. Google for a coupon code, which can give an extra discount or free shipping!
82. Buy extra gifts when they are on sale — This keeps you prepared in case of a birthday party when you are very busy.


83. Date nights are very important! Your kids will be fine for one evening. They need parents with a solid marriage.
84. Buy a few key pieces for work and layer/mix and match to make different outfits.
85. Set budget milestones and celebrate success!
86. Create a budget – your work is important! Don’t wait the fruit of your labor! If you don’t know where your money is going, it is most likely being wasted! 
87. LOVE your husband — do you realize how important a loving husband is? Cherish him!
88. Thank your husband — two-income homes have very unique challenges. Thank your husband for all he does for your family. (… and chances are, he will do more if he knows he is appreciated!)
89. Make time to be alone together — mmm, hmm…. Smooch. Go for it. 

Kids and Working Moms

90. After school childcare can be tough. Try to think outside the box. For example, take your kids to your office after school and let them do their homework, read, plays quietly, until you are off work, ie if your are self employed or your workplace allowed for such arrangements. You'll love the extra time with them!
91. Try to take care of errands on your lunch break (without children!)
92. Do you have a flexible schedule? If possible, try to work from home one day which will allow you to throw in laundry while you work.
93. Enjoy your commute — talk to kids, listen to music/podcast, and try to make the most of what is the  most hated hour of the day.
94. Don’t get involved in office politics. Just say “NO” to the drama. No good can come out of it.
95. Very carefully weigh promotions and how they will affect your family.
96. Choose child-care carefully. Be sure to thoroughly research the people you trust with your children. Please.
97. Carpool…or not. It may be a blessing or a curse. Just try it out and see what works best for you.
98. Stay in communication with your child's teacher. Email, write notes, check in with a phone call every now and then.
99. Try to go on school field trips or eat lunch with your child on occasion at school.

Last, but most importantly….
100. View all you do (marriage, parenting, work, hobbies) as ministry and work of God.

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