Helicopter parents: It's the name given to the obsessively protective
moms and dads who "hover" around their kids. Of course, those kids end
up becoming helpless teenagers and adults who always look for mama to
swoop in and save them—a major parenting no-no. But what exactly
separates the garden-variety parent from one that can't seem to give her
kids a little space? Are you a helicopter parent? Check out some of the
most obvious signs.
1) You Can't Let Go
If you feel something akin to physical pain when your little one heads
out the door to kindergarten, you might be a heli-mom. Hovering parents
are so attached to their kids that it's almost impossible to focus on
anything else; daily activities, constant conversations and every ounce
of effort is reserved for your child.
2) You Are A Spoiler
Some helicopter parents simply want to push their children to succeed,
but others take on an enabler role instead. Since you want the best for
your child, you could find yourself in the "gimme trap," where you feel
obligated to provide the cutest clothes, the latest gadgets and the best
of the best for your little one, without ever asking for him to work
for it.
3) Your Are A Lobbyist
Some of the worst-offending hovercraft moms are the ones who treat their
child's lives like an audition. Instead of allowing your child to make
mistakes and reap consequences, you're constantly stepping in to prove
that your child is perfect, smart, hilarious, bright, kind, generous and
everything else. Hey, mom; you're not a Hollywood agent... you're a
parent. Don't feel like you have to "sell" your kid 24/7.
4) You Are A Security Guard
Picture this: Your kid's playing on the swings when another child comes
up and tries to push him out of the way. Are you a helicopter parent? If
your first inclination is to put on your best bouncer face and step in,
the answer's probably "yes." Not allowing your child to deal with
conflict robs him of life experiences. Take a step back and see how he
reacts; you might be surprised.
5) Your Are A Homework Helper
Sure, you want your child to get straight A's at school, but at what
cost? If you're the one up until 1 a.m. gluing together a diorama of Little House on the Prairie while your child plays Angry Birds on his
phone, you've gone too far. Don't forget that you already passed fifth
grade; why not let your child do the same?
6) You Are A Germaphobe
Hey, we get it. Bacteria spreads sickness and hanging around a sniffling
7-year-old is pretty gross. But prepping your kid with bubble wrap,
going insane with sanitizer and overdoing the germaphobe thing are all
markers of a total helicopter parent. Kids get sick, but they also get
better. You can relax.
7) You Don't Respect Independence
If you're hand-picking your child's friends, scheduling hi after-school
activities and dictating his diet, you're probably hovering a little
too close. Independence is a great gift for kids learning to make
choices and find their way in life. When you take over the
decision-making, you say "I don't trust you to choose for yourself." Not
very nice, is it?
8) You Always Give In
Helicopter parents often harbor a huge amount of mommy-guilt, which
often translates into a lack of rules or constantly giving in to child
demands. If you're the one to buckle when your kid is begging for
bubblegum, you're probably overprotective to the point of shielding your
kid from any negative experience ever. Bad form!
9) You Are A Professional Toy Researcher
So, your little one wants the latest doll? Wait, you can't just buy it!
You have to first research specs, check out on online rules and ask
around before you buy. You're so afraid that a toy won't be
educational, safe or fun enough that you can't make a decision without
10 hours of online research first.
10) You Are Chronically Over Prepared
So you're headed to the zoo. Did you pack the sunscreen? How about extra
snacks? Got a water bottle? How about the flare gun and life preserver?
Helicopter parents are the ones that prep their kids for anything; and
we mean anything. You can always spot their kids on the playground:
They're the ones with the overstuffed backpack, the knee and elbow pads,
a four-course meal and that miserable expression.
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