My Advice
Son be you, live by a strong set of core values, enjoy a life of
significance, know that life is not a race, be mindful that not everyone
will like you, be strong and be open to setbacks and also learn the
meaning of love.
Be You
Son I like the young man that you’re becoming and I promise that
every person in the world is already taken. While some are comfortable
living or copying the lives of others, I see that you’re doing a
remarkable job being yourself. With so much life ahead of you there will
be lots of influence. The brave new world will try to tell you what
you should be, how to do it, and what to become, be you. You don’t have
to be the cool guy, or a part of the in-crowd. If people are not
accepting you for who you are it’s their lost for not meeting someone so
authentic and true. Be you and you will attract people who hold the same values as you.
Read How To Succeed at Being Yourself
Live By A Strong Set Of Core Values
No one knows everything and no one ever will. Keep a strong set of core values and work to never compromise them.
Son, life has a way with teaching many lessons, from disappointment,
grief, struggle, to honesty, integrity, and respect. Life will have you
looking for the hard answers, look to your core values they will help
make many of those on the spot decisions merely by what you believe and
what you stand for. Having defined your personal core values will build
strong character and cultivate a better man in you. Throughout the years you’ll end up with a number of core values just
make sure you protect your top five that are most important to you and
honor them.
A Life Of Significance
Do something! It doesn’t matter what it is. Just be
passionate about doing something for your community, your country, your
life, a friend or a perfect stranger. Go places to see different
cultures and meet regularly with people who are different than you.
Reach out to life by being active and be a volunteer where it’s needed.
Life is about what we do for others. Follow it and everything else will
fall into place.
Life Is Not A Race
Live life one day at a time don’t rush it, celebrate the small
victories in life and keep moving forward. Fancy cars, fine homes, and
the nice girls are all seasonal. Life is also not a competition, how
fast can you do this or how fast can you do that? Take your time,
run at a steady pace, work your plan, and all seasonal things will
compliment your life in due time. Remember that each step you take in
life to give your personal best.
Not Everyone Will Like You
Everyone comes with some type of baggage whether it’s emotional or family related, understand you cannot change them.
Be nice, they probably won’t like you and if that’s the case learn to
handle these situations. You may not be liked for the way you talk,
walk, the way you dress, how well you perform in or out of school.
However many reasons there are don’t let their hang ups become yours.
Make it a habit not to carry any of those emotions to bed with you.
There is a saying “when people show you who they are believe them”. So
if you see those who are being mean know how to treat or how not to
treat them.
Be Strong
Son, my definition of a man’s strength when I was a pre-teen like you,
it was about how much weight I could lift and today I smile when I look
back in time. Being strong for a man means a number of things and of
course your physical strength is important. However internal strength
such as will power, resiliency, confidence, and what you believe is
truly were the real strength comes from. Grow thicker skin so when harsh
words are hurled your way there only words. Being strong means when you
feel that it’s almost time to quit you don’t; you dig deep and fight your way to the end.
Set Backs
Life is one big crazy rodeo things can be going so well one day and
other days you’ll find yourself being knocked to the ground. I say to
you get up, dust yourself off and look for no one’s pity.
Get back on and ride life like you’ve never rode it before. Your
ability to bounce back from setbacks will keep you moving forward with
your life’s journey. No time to sit and shoulda, coulda, woulda, the
best time to get back on top is when you’ve been knocked down.
Keep your eyes open and love hard. Make no restrictions
with your love and use the word love only when you truly mean it. Be
not afraid of who you give your heart but know whose deserving and who
is not.
Son you’re an amazing young man and remember it’s not about what you do; it’s about what you believe and what you will fight for.
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Hyper Smash
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