The Internet is a gold mine of information and learning opportunities, which is why many parents think that this tool can offer educational benefits for their children, but only if it is introduced and utilized the correct way. It also have it's risks and dangers if you do not take the necessary precaution.
Whenever possible, always explore the Internet together. On your child’s first venture to the online world, ensure that you are with them every step of the way. Guide and teach them how to navigate the Internet. Provide links to educational websites. Tell them how to explore these websites and engage together with them in learning these activities.
Don't forget to let your children know the dark side of the Internet. When they are able to understand, explain to them what is pornography, hate literature, online predators so that they stay clear of these sites.
Even though they maybe capable of understanding these dangers, it is good that you do monitor and control their access. Where possible use online services to block sites that are not so child friendly. Lastly, set up protective barriers that will prevent your children from disclosing information to strangers.
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