Tuesday, 30 August 2011

How To Discipline Your Child.

Does your head hurt from constantly hearing the sounds of screaming? Are your children always late for school, because they refuse to get dressed? Dealing with a misbehaving child is one of the most frustrating things in life. It can leave you feeling tired and drained all the time, even when your kids are at school! What you need to do is to learn how to discipline a child correctly.
Here are some tips :-
Stay Calm
Avoid yelling and screaming yourself, since this can teach your child that it's OK to lose control of yourself when you're not getting your way. If you feel like things are escalating too much, send your child to your room until you figure out what to do with him.
Avoid Too Much Praise
Praising your child too much (especially for routine activities) can cause your comments to be less effective. It's important to know the difference between praising and approving. Praising is verbally saying things like "you did a good job." 
Avoid Physical Punishments
Spanking and other forms of physical punishments can make your child be fearful of his parents rather than learn from his actions. The only thing your child is likely to learn is how to avoid getting caught rather than changing his behavior.
Bribes vs Rewards
It's much better to reward good behavior than to bribe your child into doing something good. A bride is rewarding your child before he did something and a reward is given after the good behavior.
Use these tips on how to discipline a child, and you'll notice changes is your child's behavior in no-time!

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Reading Enlighten The Young Minds

We must cultivate the habit of reading books in our children. Children naturally likes to play and don't show much interest in reading. But there are many books especially written for children to entertain and create interest in them and they focus on two important things such as entertainment and education.
During their development stage children are very imaginative and have lots of questions in their mind. Parents and teachers should guide and create an interest of reading books during this period. Adventure and fairy tales story books are good introductory books to get started on their reading habits. Reading books can help to stir up the thoughts and imagination of children.
It is a human tendency that a person never excels unless and until he develops an interest in whatever he does. Make your children have fun through reading books. Once they enjoy what they are doing, reading is then never a tedious and boring task.

Friday, 26 August 2011

Introducing Your Child To The Internet.

The Internet is a gold mine of information and learning opportunities, which is why many parents think that this tool can offer educational benefits for their children, but only if it is introduced and utilized the correct way. It also have it's risks and dangers if you do not take the necessary precaution.
Whenever possible, always explore the Internet together. On your child’s first venture to the online world, ensure that you are with them every step of the way. Guide and teach them how to navigate the Internet. Provide links to educational websites. Tell them how to explore these websites and engage together with them in learning these activities.
Don't forget to let your children know the dark side of the Internet. When they are able to understand, explain to them what is pornography, hate literature, online predators so that they stay clear of these sites.
Even though they maybe capable of understanding these dangers, it is good that you do monitor and control their access. Where possible use online services to block sites that are not so child friendly. Lastly, set up protective barriers that will prevent your children from disclosing information to strangers.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

How To Support, Encourage & Motivate Our Children.

It is only natural to feel worried when our children do not perform well in their studies. Out of frustration we might scold or shout at time. This is a parent instinct as we are only concern but it does not help in their education but only add to the tensions and problems.
To ensure that their grades improve as we should support, encourage and motivate our children. So how do we go about providing these solutions. Here are some of the tips.
1. Don't attach negative input.
When you label your children as "stupid", "lazy" and other negative names you create a poor self image. Believe that our children are capable of achieving anything they desire.

2. Identify Your Children Problems.
When children don't perform in school there must be an underlying problem. To solve and identify these problems, observe and ask them questions and come up with solutions.

3. Build Self Confidence.
This is one of the best ways to improve your children's performance. No matter how bad your children are performing, there might be some topic or study skill in which they are good at like spelling, drawing or maybe maths. Give praise to them. Discuss such past education related success. Remind them of their achievements, no matter how small they maybe. This will shift their mental focus and they will realize that they have the ability to learn. Remind them, "If you can learn one thing, you can also learn other things. If you can achieve success once, you can achieve it again."

4. Speak To Their Teachers.
When the situation allow, do speak to your child's teacher to discuss their problems and performance. Advice and suggestions from the teacher will help you immensely.

Finally, remember what Edison's mother did!
Thomas Edison was labeled as "slow learner" by his teachers. But his mother, Nancy Edison, did not accept her son as 'dull.' She motivated, encouraged, and taught Edison to learn at his own speed and style. And we all know what Edison went on to achieve in his life as a scientist!

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Early Child Education

Education for children is composed of the first eight years of their life. It is very important at this stage and help to correct the development of their brain. It is usually based on learning through play method. Studies have shown that the first eight years of a child's life is crucial and it is during this time that their brains are developing at a fast pace.Nourish them with a solid education foundation and good habits will ensure that they have a quick start when they enter school.
There are several benefits you will see in early childhood education  as it helps them to understand the world and to develop good social behavior and attitudes. They are very curious to learn everything and react according to what they see, hear or touch. Having a good tutor will have a positive effect on them.
It doesn't really matter which program your children are enrolled in, education at an early age can set them on the path that will have them seeking and receiving the best for their whole lives. You do not spark the fiery passion of learning in the senior year of high school, you have to excite these children early and hope that they stay excited.

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Importance of Eduction

What is education? Wikipedia described education as any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character, or physical ability of an individual. In others word if you are not educated you may not be a complete person.
Many students find themselves questioning the importance of their education. Is there a really any point to remembering and memorizing all the facts and figures knowing that in the later part of your adult life most of what you have learn may not be applicable.
The world is moving so fast these days that if you do not have the right education, you could get left behind.Education is also important for your sense of self and self esteem. A well educated person is more likely to carry himself better in public compare to one who has none.
Therefore children at their earliest ages should be taught and realize the importance of education to their lives. Children are logically curious and observant. It would help if you would tell your children on a daily basis how important getting a good education is in attaining goals and dreams.
Traditionally, parents treat schooling of children as investments. If you want them to love education, make sure to place them into an environment that would foster comfort, fun, and learning at the same time.
 Most of the time, the best and most effective schools call for premium in their quality of education. If it would make your children better individuals, why not spend for it?