Wednesday, 28 September 2011

How to Bond With Your Children

Time spent with your children is time very well spent. It’s so easy to get caught up in the daily tasks of our lives, but the bonds created by time spent together are priceless and cannot be put off until a later day. Children grow quickly as we all know and opportunities for bonding, once missed, cannot be recovered.

Spending time together as a family strengthens the family unit as a whole, indeed a worthwhile goal. However, it is equally important to spend time with each family member one on one to strengthen those individual relationships and build memories that will last your child through his lifetime. Think of this time as an investment in your children’s future.  
Older children also enjoy learning things from mom or dad and feel grown up when they are included in adult tasks. Chores that they have not been assigned to regularly are more interesting to them than those that they have already learned and are expected to do independently. Allowing them to help you build or repair something is a surefire way to engage their interests and build their self-esteem. Allowing them to use those tools or equipment that are usually off limits is almost always a big hit.

On the other hand, reading age appropriate books that are just beyond your child’s reading ability is a great bonding experience. It also has the additional benefit of being educational. Board games are another great activity to enjoy with an older child. One on one games such as chess or checkers provide opportunity for bonding as well as teaching strategy and game skills.

If you want to see your younger child’s eyes light up, plop yourself down on the floor while he or she is playing. Young children live for the opportunity to include their parents in their games. While it is good for them to spend time playing independently, it is equally important for them to have a few minutes of time to just play. Young children need spend time playing in a way that does not impose rules on them. They need the freedom to create rules themselves. This type of play may be more challenging for parents as most of us have forgotten how to play, but give yourself time and opportunity, follow your child’s lead and you will catch on.

Simple activities such as these are not only enjoyable for both you and your child now, but they will create memories and experiences that will help your child through the tumultuous teenage years, they will reflect fondly on them while at college and draw inspiration from them when they become parents themselves.


Saturday, 24 September 2011

How Parents can Motivate their Child to Succeed.

It is no secret that we all love success. It motivates us to repeat whatever it was that led to our goals being met. It makes us feel good about ourselves and encourages us to experience those feelings again and again. Our children are no different. They want to be successful at home, at school, and on the sporting field, but sometimes their definition of success can be distorted. Parental attitudes to success can have a significant impact on your child's ability to succeed. If your expectations are too high, your child will have difficulty meeting those standards and may give up trying. If your expectations are too low then you run the risk of not giving your children anything to strive for.
Parental expectations of success need to be realistic and in line with your kids abilities. Once you have your expectations in the right balance, there are a number of practical ways you can help your child to be motivated to succeed.
1. For complex tasks, encourage your child to break up the project into manageable stages. The successful completion of each stage will give them a sense of achievement and make the end result appear closer and more achievable.
2. Encourage your child to put their own goals down on paper. Making a list of short, medium and long term goals will help them to feel in control of their learning. It will also enable them to experience multiple levels of success at varying stages of their learning processes. Studies show that if the goals written down are realistic, and looked at frequently, they are more likely to be achieved.
3. Make sure you celebrate with your child when goals are achieved - even if they are lesser or short term goals. These early experiences of success will motivate your child to continue to strive for even bigger goals. It will also instill a positive attitude in them which, if nurtured, will help them in all aspects of their lives ahead.
4. Let them know that you believe in them and in their ability to succeed. A child who has confidence in their own abilities will succeed much more regularly than one who doesn't. But if the people around him do not share that confidence, then self-doubt can soon take over.
5. Treat failures to achieve goals as temporary setbacks rather than total disappointments. Examine why the goals weren't met and what can be learned from that experience. Re-set the goals, if possible, to something more attainable. Always remember that these set-backs are a part of life and should always be looked at in a constructive way.
Remember, successful people surround themselves with other successful people. Developing a positive mindset in your family could and should make a world of difference.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

How To Discipline A Bad Behavior Child Using "Naughty Step" Method

If you're exasperated by your child behavior, set out some clear house rules and try putting them into force using the "Naughty Step" Method. This is one way of giving them time out, giving everyone a chance to calm down and allowing your child a moment to think over what was wrong with what they did. The Naughty Step could be a step, a chair, a corner or anywhere, so long as the child will be somewhere where nothing will distract them and are old enough to sit in a chair.

How it works :
- When your child misbehaves or breaks one of the house rules, explain what they have done wrong, tell them that their behavior are unacceptable, and warn them that if they behave in the same way again, they'll be put on the Naughty Step. Make sure your voice remains calm, not angry, and use a low, authoritative tone.

- Is there a particular toy or something which is triggering the situation which you could calmly remove? Or is your child tired or hungry? See if you can help resolve their frustration and move them on to another activity to diffuse the situation.

- If they misbehave again, immediately put them on the Naughty Step. Explain clearly why they are there and how long they must stay there (one minute per year of her age).

- If they come off the Naughty Step, put them back on using gentle but firm movements and keep putting them back onto the step until they realize that you are committed to keeping them there for the agreed set time.

- Once your child has completed the agreed set time on the Naughty Step, crouch down so you're on the same level, use a low and authoritative tone of voice, and explain why you put them there. Ask them to apologize, and when they do, praise them warmly with a kiss and a cuddle. Say "thank you", go back to what they were doing and forget about the incident

- If your child refuses to apologize (or does something like shouts "sorry" in a way which makes you think they probably doesn't mean it!), continue this technique until they realize that you need a proper apology. But don't forget the kiss and cuddle at the end!

Older children will outgrow the Naughty Step, so try to cultivate in them a sense of responsibility for their actions by creating a reflection room or chill-out zone. They can be asked to go there when they're angry to give them time and physical space to think things over.

Once disciplined, however, it is especially important to find out why your child behaved in a way which was out of character, as understanding their actions will help you to prevent it occurring again.

Monday, 19 September 2011

Ways To Ensure That Your Children Are Not Lazy.

Nobody wants their child to grow up lazy, but a lot of parents are too busy these days to teach their kids all the principles they want to bestow on them. For instance, we often don't want to take the time to teach or motivate our child to do something, so we just do it ourselves—or perhaps we let the televisions "babysit" them all day while we take care of an endless list of to-do's. But whether you meant to do it or not, laziness is not going to help your child one bit when it is time to face the real world.
Here are some simple tips for weeding out the seeds of laziness before they ever get a chance to start.
1. Set Limits on Sedentary Activities
A lot of laziness is the result of modern trends. People spend a lot more time sitting around the house, playing video games or watching TV, where an endless amount of choices ensures there will never be a reason to be bored. Toss in the Internet, and there really is no reason to ever leave the house.
In order to combat this, give your child an allowance of time for sitting in front of the screens, not counting time for homework, of course. Don't let them spend all day or night watching show after show. Force them to choose according to their time limits and they will then get more creative about their pastimes out of necessity.

2. Plan Activities.
It's easy to let time go idle when there is nothing to fill it with, so make a conscious effort to plan activities that get children active and engaged like going to the library or playground is better than sitting around the house.

3. Expect Them to Lend a Hand.
As mentioned before, a lot of parents would rather just carry the weight than take the time to teach their child to do something right—after all, we are all strapped for time. But teaching your kids how to run a household is an essential responsibility you take on as a parent. For this reason, all kids should be required to take part in household chores. Teach them to be proud of their contributions.

4. Show Them the Way.
One of the reasons so many kids are lazy is because so many adults themselves are lazy. If you want to teach them another way, you need to take the lead. Try to stay active around the house rather than just sinking into the couch whenever you get a chance.

Teaching your children how to involve themselves in the active world going on around them is a way to save them from a lot of problems in their future. People with motivation and drive are typically more successful financially, have better health, and lead better social lives because they are out and about. Follow these simple guidelines and get your kids involved in the real world.

Friday, 16 September 2011

What To Do If You Have A Gifted Child ?

Most parents love to find out that they have a gifted child. It's exciting to know that your child has something special about him or her. While a gifted child is a wonderful blessing, there is also a responsibility at the same time. There are things that you will have to do to nurture your gifted child.

Be prepared for a number of endless questions. These questions aren't meant to be disrespectful or to annoy you. The intent of the questions is because the child is just naturally curious. If you get agitated at the questions, your child will feel discouraged to learn. Be open about it even if tired to try to answer what your child is asking. Find out what your child enjoys. Get materials and activities for these interests. These will help your child get into the things that he or she is enjoying learning.

Gifted children talk, talk  and talk and especially ask never ending questions. So go ahead and answer all of your child's questions or clarifications, then equip him with tons and tons of outside experiences and worthwhile activities as you can. Before school age, a gifted kid is less interested in particular information and facts than they are simply learning and knowing about the world and trying to figure out how it all works.

Introduce and familiarize him to books by reading to them daily, and listening to them. If you are very impressed with your child's performance and you want to help or assist him reach their fullest potential, just offer a loving, caring and balanced environment, inspiration, encouragement and more opportunities in learning.

Provide a very young child as much freedom of movement and enjoyment as is safely possible. And most importantly, support and always be there for your child. A gifted child, maybe more than several other kids, needs attention, motivation and reassurance that they are very much accepted and loved just the way they really are-not just for being gifted, but for being themselves.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Reasons Why Children Misbehave And How To Overcome Them.

There is usually a very good reason why a child misbehaves and we can deal with it more effectively if we understand what is causing the problem. Understanding child behavior problems is fundamental to finding the best approach to handling these problems.
There are many possible reasons why a child misbehaves. These are some of them.
- A need to feel that they belong. An unwanted child may throw tantrum to get notice. So it is important that you assure a child that they are still part of the family, even when they misbehave. Give them the proper attention when the situation arises.
- Misbehave when they are upset. Any changes to a child's normal routine can cause upsets to occur, so reassure them and show them how to adapt to the new circumstances.
- Misbehave as a way to get what they want. If bad behavior has worked in the past to get them what they want, it is worth trying again. So make sure that you do not inadvertently reward bad behavior.
- Misbehave when they feel inadequate or lack confidence. They may act up when afraid to try out new things in case they make a mistake, so help your child understand that everyone makes mistakes.
- Misbehave when they do not feel well, are hungry or are tired. Make sure that they eat healthy foods, get plenty of exercise and between 8-12 hours sleep each night.
- Misbehave when they are disappointed. A child is easily upset when they are disappointed and quickly show signs of irritability. We need to accept their feelings and help them to cope with their disappointment.
- Misbehave when they are discouraged. We are sometimes quick to admonish bad behavior but often forget to praise good behavior. Children need praise and approval even for small things and this helps to prevent them misbehaving to get attention.
You can love your child without accepting their bad behavior. Explain that they do not have to earn your love by behaving well, you love them anyway. But emphasize that it is because you love them that you want them to know how to behave properly. Encourage them to talk about their thoughts and feelings, it strengthens the loving bond between you and your children.

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Child Nutrition: Help Your Child Stay Healthy

The food your child eats is important not only now but also for the rest of his or her life. A small child is going to need various types of foods for energy to play, grow, and to build a healthy body. Muscles and bones are forming over the first fifteen years of life, and when eating the right types of foods and including smart nutrition your child is more likely to avoid sickness and to ward off some types of disease.
Your child’s nutrition is going to start with you. You child is going to see what foods you eat, and when you are more likely to eat them, and your child is going to build their own habits from those habits he or she sees. If you eat breakfast on the go, all the time, your child will feel this is normal and okay, but you should be sitting down to a breakfast every morning for good nutrition basics. Even if you are eating a bowl of cereal or you are enjoying a glass of juice, taking five minutes will encourage better eating habits.
Healthy beginnings start with fruits, vegetables and good portions of meats. The food pyramid is going to be important in the early stages of life so that your child will learn to eat many types of foods, and not only the foods they like. Giving your child many options in life will help them pick foods that are better for them in the long run. Healthy children are not going to eat burgers and fries for every meal, but they will have a well-rounded life with nutrition builders such as fruits, vegetables, meat, and variations of these builders.
Teaching good habits for your child’s nutrition awareness will start with reading labels. Learn about what preservatives and additives are in some of the foods you are eating, and then talk about these with your child as they grow. Include foods that are all natural, or that contain very little preservatives for a solid start in their understanding of nutrition. Let good eating habits start from the home.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Back to school: How to ease the morning routine

Ah, back to school time--a time when everyone's cheerful and neatly organized. Wait, what? Whose house does that happen in? Getting ready for school in the morning can be more like a zoo at times.  If that sounds more like your house in the morning--and most parents have been there--then you need to learn how to speed morning school prep.
1. Have a designated backpack, homework, and document area. Keeping the backpacks in a certain area can help prevent that morning search for it and all its contents. Get the kids in the habit of dropping the backpacks in that area as soon as they walk in the door. Putting them close to the homework area helps even more. This way, you don't have the problem of the kids carrying the backpack and papers all over the house. Restricting it all to one location reduces the likelihood of homework and supplies getting misplaced.
2. Stock easy-to-pack lunch foods. Keep easy to pack lunch items in the refrigerator and cupboards. Sliced and cubed meats and cheeses can be used to create a variety of lunch combinations. Also keep diced and sliced fruits and vegetables, crackers, trail mix, bread, and single serve juices. Reusable containers are the best way to go for being green, as well as for convenience.
3.Brush up on easy hair maintenance. It's possible to look cute with little time. For boys, shorter haircuts may help shorten school prep time in the morning. For girls, learn how to make stylish ponytails and other quick up-do styles.
4. Prepare clothing ahead of time. Try to avoid fabrics that need heavy care and maintenance. Those take too much time and will only add more stress to school mornings. If you must have clothing that requires ironing, iron it the night before. Better yet, iron a week or two worth of clothing at once and hang it all in the closet, paired in outfits. This creates a grab and go system, which is great for cutting school morning prep time down.

Thursday, 1 September 2011

How To Prevent Your Kids From Lying

As parents, you need to provide a best environment for your children growth. As they grow up, they begin to absorb and imitate all adult manners on their daily activities. You will be amaze how quick they copy all our habits, good as well as bad.
With their biggest ability to learn fast, most kids lie when they observe adults especially the one whom they respect do the same. If you notice your kid with this habit, you should ask yourself whether you ever lie in front of them. If your answer is "Yes", it's about time we change this bad habit.
Environment is the key factor to develop your children habit. Of course, you always want your child to say the truth but remember, children also interact with other people in their daily life. It is virtually impossible to prevent your child from all the bad elements in life as you cannot be eyes and ears on him everyday. Where possible limit their exposure to this bad habits and explain the reason why to them.
You need to have constant communication with your children and show a good example how to speak with other people in a proper manner. Often, lying habit come from bad communication between parents and children.
When you have a situation where your kid lie to you, you should ask the reasons why they do that and give an explanation of their wrong habit. Do not punish them. There could be an underlying factor why they lie. Understand the root of the cause. When a child and parent have a good communication channel, lying will be a thing of the past.